Before the interview begins, you will be given information that fully describes the survey. Before starting, survey teams will obtain permission (consent) for participants 18 years and older. Adolescents aged 15-17 years will be asked for their assent and for their parent or guardian’s permission. Emancipated minors, who are adolescents aged 15-17, the parent of a child, or who have left home and are self-sufficient, will give consent similar to adults aged 18 and older.
Computer tablets will be used to collect information via face-to-face interviews. Household heads will be asked questions about the people living in the house. After the household interview, there will be individual interviews with eligible household members. Individuals will be asked questions about age, the kind of work they do, their experience with HIV services, and their personal behaviors.
Blood samples will be taken from the arm to perform HIV testing for all eligible participants in the house. These test results will be returned to the participant on the same day. Those who test positive for HIV will be referred to the health facility for care and treatment.
Blood samples will also be sent to a laboratory to conduct further tests such as CD4 count and viral load for the participants who tested HIV-positive. Results for tests done in the laboratory will be sent to the health facility of the participant’s choice within about 12 weeks (about 3 months).